When I finally sat down to add a few pictures to my blog I realized that although I feel like not much new has happened, the pictures I have taken prove otherwise! I guess that means that life keeps moving even when you wish it would slow down. This last month has flown by - here is the fast forwarded version of how we spent it!
I have been given the opportunity to have Cole every Thursday and Friday instead of having him go to daycare and I have loved it! It has been so fun to have him at home even more - his little personality has suddenly gotten a lot bigger and even though he sounds like Eeyore, he keeps me laughing all of the time. He wanted to play with his work glasses and soon after he put them on I snuck up on him talking to himself and making faces in the bathroom mirror - completely in his own world.
Bringing Elsie home has been so fun! It's funny how once these little spirits are a part of your family, you can't imagine ever having a life without them. Abby and Easton have loved her so much and are always so concerned about her. We have not had any jealousy issues, in fact it has been the opposite. I am constantly telling them to give her some space! She is very, VERY loved.
My mom was so great with holiday traditions and one that I have kept going with my children is decorating the table on Valentines day. We always woke up to a fun breakfast table with a setting for each of us complete with treats and a small gift. It kinda snuck up on me this year (the new baby thing) and so it wasn't my best, but the kids still thought it was great (it doesn't take much to please Abby and as long as there is sugar involved Easton is happy)!
Drew's Valentines Day gift to me was a gourmet dinner (prepared by Drew) and a couple massage. I'm kinda thinking he had someone additional in mind when he bought that gift, but who am I to complain? He was so cute, he had made quite the masterpiece when he served it to me. I have to admit, the B-B-Q grill tool kit I got him didn't quite compare but he is always best at getting the most thoughtful gifts, what can I say?
We have started the beginning stages of finishing our basement! Last week Drew and his brother, Jon, chalked all the lines to start framing the basement. While they were hard at work the kids were busy playing . . . . .
AND FINALLY . . . . . .
We celebrated Elsie's one month birthday by getting a little crazy. We stayed at home all day, watched the final Bachelor and gave her a bath. I had to post the pictures. Even though she hates her bath, she looks so cute!